星期四, 11月 30, 2006
星期五, 11月 24, 2006
看了兩位強者令人景仰的背影,讓我一絲放鬆的心情也消失了,還有一百天,再 拼!!
看了兩位強者令人景仰的背影,讓我一絲放鬆的心情也消失了,還有一百天,再 拼!!
星期二, 11月 21, 2006
頂尖對決The Prestige
Every great magic trick consists of three acts.
The first act is called "The Pledge";
The magician shows you something ordinary,
but of course... it probably isn't.
The second act is called "The Turn";
The magician makes his ordinary some thing do something extraordinary.
Now if you're looking for the secret... you won't find it,
that's why there's a third act called, "The Prestige";
this is the part with the twists and turns,
where lives hang in the balance,
and you see something shocking you've never seen before.
......Are You Watching Closely?
The first act is called "The Pledge";
The magician shows you something ordinary,
but of course... it probably isn't.
The second act is called "The Turn";
The magician makes his ordinary some thing do something extraordinary.
Now if you're looking for the secret... you won't find it,
that's why there's a third act called, "The Prestige";
this is the part with the twists and turns,
where lives hang in the balance,
and you see something shocking you've never seen before.
......Are You Watching Closely?
星期六, 11月 18, 2006
在PTT看到其中一篇的某段落 PS:上次不知道在哪看到的文章 期中考微積分在家裡玩結果朋友回來跟他說你怎麼沒去考試 他回說不是在下週嗎?朋友曰:下週? 是今天拉 下週是你微積分頭七啦~!看到實在是覺得心有戚戚焉阿...
今天去眼鏡行看到很喜歡的框,是什麼Beta鈦材質的,真想敗! 但價格不菲阿
今天去眼鏡行看到很喜歡的框,是什麼Beta鈦材質的,真想敗! 但價格不菲阿
星期五, 11月 03, 2006
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